According to recent data, coronavirus has affected more than a 2.5million people over the world. And, it does not only affect the service sector but cause many economic losses. The government implies different ways to reduce the infection and save the world from this pandemic. The sad part is that there is no such vaccine introduce that can kill this virus, and for now, social distancing, and boosting the immune system is the only way to stay safe from COVID-19. But, at this moment, technology can help us to beat this fast or at least works as a catalyst. How? Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role to not only protect us but stops the carrying of this virus. Let’s go through some AI technology. We have covered the top AI system that is using all over the globe widely, and provide positive results.
There is numerous AI system. We have almost discussed most of them below. You can get their detail analysis below, but remember one thing that it is not working as a vaccine. It can be considered as a wall that protects us from this dangerous disease.
1.Thermal Imaging With Artificial Intelligence Software for COVID
COVID-19 spread from one person to another so fast. It can infect a person within seconds. And, depends on the immunity it shows symptoms. It becomes the most challenging part of the country that how they will detect the presence of the COVID patient?
The problem occurs when a person migrant from one country to another. To cope with such a situation, Thermal imaging with artificial software aids the doctors to detect the virus. With this software, a person body heat can be identified from several meters.
They can track the body functions, which everything is normal or the person who traveled from the infected city has a virus. With the image, they can separate the infected one with a healthy person. Even this tracking is done with the help of DRONES, where the thermal imaging can be done. It can read the body from the top, and send the details to the authorities. It could be the perfect way to stop the infected person from spreading the virus.
2. Multi-Lingual Artificial Intelligence for COVID
The first and the most challenging part for the country was to give the proper knowledge about the coronavirus. It means, what are the symptoms, and how it travels from one person to another, and many such questions. Initially, people met with unrealistic information about COVID-19 that leads them to take the wrong details.
It is true that still, the scientist could not find the full detail of this virus, and we hardly know 10% of it. So, in this situation, less but authentic information is vital. To overcome such a problem, Multi-lingual artificial intelligence introduce.
In this, no matter what language you know, and want to ask a question related to COVID. It will automatically detect the spoken language, and provide you with everything, like:
You can see again Artificial Intelligence helps you to provide the correct details about the corona. So, if you have any doubt, go ahead and ask you query.
3. Interpret Results Fast With Artificial Intelligence for COVID
Many countries with advanced levels of healthcare fail to manage the patients. At a very starting phase, getting results of the test take the time that creates a more complicated situation. In this disease, one has to quarantine quickly to stop the spreading, and to raise the number of cases makes it difficult to provide quick test results.
Now, AI supports it and provides the results within sixty seconds, isn’t it amazing? This is because where it takes hours to produce results, far diagnostic AI analyses the image fast, and give the results that support the medical workers to self-isolate the patient.
It brings a big solution as compare to others. The coronavirus is far different from the other flu, for example, suppose a standard flue spread from one to two, where corona can cover from one to four, and then four to eight, it is doubling every time. It represents the seriousness of the situation.
One more point, that the underlying symptom of coronavirus is Pneumonia, which this AI detects fast.
4. Facial Recognition System
The facial recognition system is always something that most of the people prefer to use at their doorstep to check the person. And, it provides security too, but it can assist us in fighting with COVID-19. How?
There is no such working complexity. It is imperative to check that it is the person taking full care of themselves or following the guidelines mentioned by the government. It contains, wearing a mask, and body temperature.
It is vital because many people overlook the rule of lockdown that fail to understand the seriousness of the situation. With the facial recognition system, it captures the face, and read the body temperature. These hi-tech cameras are installed in public areas, which will be monitor by the concerned authority.
It will send the person’s face and noted body temperature. If the authority finds it a patient, then they can take them to the hospital, and quarantine themselves without facial recognition technology, we hardly able to fight with this disease.
5. Use AI Robots
COVID already affected the service sector, and many people have to leave their jobs due to lockdown. Though many prominent companies provide work from home, do you think that every work is possible from home? Maybe NOT!
The most decisive part is that how will small physical sector work? However, we can assume that online companies will bear the cost, like employees’ salaries with borrowing options, like 12-month loans or any other short term funding. Still, it could be difficult for shops that run daily.
There are many workplaces where human interaction is required, like the producing sector. And, it is vital to run the firm not to weaken the economy. But, the government does not put lives at risk, but here Human robots can do wonders. These robots are highly intelligent who can perform a different task. To manage them, it hardly takes two or three robotic engineers.
But, imagine how much risk gets reduces with these robots, and without affecting the people, the economy will get back to the track.
With this write up, you can see how AI help us to beat such a terrible condition. And, we hope that with the proper use of technology, we will get the positive results, will able to overcome such pandemic promptly. All we need is hope and trust in each other.
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