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July 16th, 2019

How to Avoid the Mainstream Cybercrimes


Threats are found every day in different forms, whether it’s crossing the sidewalk, sitting in a cafe or sky diving, etc. Now, the danger is more on the internet in the form of cyber threats. Nothing is secure, and cybercriminals do not leave any opportunity to harvest user information. It’s questionable how user information is leaked and hacked that easily. Partially human error is responsible, but you cannot say for sure. 

Users need to ask themselves and confirm if their online security is safe. When was the last time you updated your software or antivirus? I am sure you are looking at your phone right now to check. Till you check your updates, let’s see what the most common cybercrime include are:

The Most Commonly Encountered Cybercrimes


Hacking is one of the most common and dangerous cybercrime; it is the process where a cybercriminal can penetrate and get hold of the control of your device without taking your permission. But hacking is not limited to a single device, it can be done online, on gamers profile and even take charge of an entire network.

Considering the threat, you need to look at your system security and make a decision. Hackers come in all forms whether it’s grey hat hackers, white hackers, and of course, black. All these classifications are of evildoers that focus on hijacking your system and device.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is an online method to steal one’s identification that includes name, address, birthmark, credentials, etc. Identity theft occurs when you are always using the internet for transactions and shopping. Cybercriminals look for targets that have weak credit card credentials and sensitive data that is exploited easily.

One of the biggest mistakes we make today is to leave our passwords easy to hack; this happens when the same password is being used for all accounts.

Web Jacking and Ransomware

This may sound familiar to hijacking, and it is. By web jacking, online hackers snatch control of your website for whatsoever reason, and they alter the entire site for the worse. Later ask for a ransom return the credentials of the website. The agenda behind these attacks is to access the monetary benefits in exchange for a ransom paid. 

Ransomware is a method similar that takes control of your device, or operating system, and the same procedure follows to blackmail the user in return for money.


Spamming is again another old trick that will penetrate your system. It is a junk mail trick that engages users to open the file and harvests their details. Spamming has been carried forward for a while now and is used for multiple purposes among which the most common is phishing that will be discussed later. 

These emails are designed as a discount offer or giveaway that attracts the user to open them. Once the link of the email is open, that is when your details will be available to the spammer. 


Phishing is a fast-evolving cybercrime that is getting sophisticated by the day. It infiltrates your security, violating privacy rights. Phishing attacks’ prime purpose is to access sensitive personal files which will be reused shared and further sold to third party companies. Phishing mostly targets your bank account details to access financial reserves for money. Phishers look for multiple websites to harvest the information of the same individual.  

Protective Tips Against Cyber Crimes

AVOID Un-trusted Wi-Fi Hotspot

Open wifi hotspots is an invitation to get hacked and users fall for it knowing the risks once connected. An open wifi network is easily generated by a hacker that poses as the name of a cafe or nearby shop which makes the user think it is the shop’s public wifi. Once connected to the network, the hacker will then launch a series of attacks to access your information or maybe control over your device. 

It is crucial that users avoid public wifis as much as they can and use their cellular data packages instead. This way, you will ensure you don’t fall in any trap, and the hacker will not be able to track your whereabouts.

Use an Online Security App: VPN 

A VPN tool has become a need rather than a luxury because it is the cure to all your online scams, threats, hacking and mass-scale surveillance, etc. The VPN will hide your IP address and give you a different IP address. All the online activities, search queries will be rerouted through that new IP while your real IP will remain hidden.

Connecting to the VPN will immediately secure your online presence because the network of communication will be within an encrypted tunnel where all your valuable data, communication, and files will remain safe. VPN acts as a shield against all outside threats 

Do not Discuss or Giveaway identifiable Information Publicly

At times people act irresponsibly with their personal details and disclose it among the general public, which includes, address, contact details, credit card details, etc. This is the biggest mistake because you never know who is listening and recording your words. Once these details are collected, the cyber thief will be able to create a profile against you and start using it for his benefits.   

Update Antivirus Software

We take antivirus software for granted, but we tend to ignore that it saves our details and devices from malware, hacking, spyware which infiltrates user security. Antivirus acts as a shield just as a VPN but less secure. However, having an antivirus backup will improve your overall safety and remove the doubt for a security breach.

Set-up Two-Step Verification

Two-step verification is an upfront barrier against anyone who tries to change your password or tries to access your accounts remotely. All the major tech giants such as Facebook, Gmail, Apple uses this robust feature. Even the bank uses multiple two-factor authentications before they are allowed to access their online transactions remotely.  

The setup requires your cell number of course that when inputted sends a four-digit code to your device every time you access the account from a new location or device. Unauthorized individuals will be forbidden to access your account unless they have the code. 

Visit HTTPS Sites Only

When we shop online, we tend to look at the products and not the website. This is a common mistake that almost all users make while purchasing online — we at times, surf on those websites that are not secure using an HTTP certificate. HTTP websites pose a big threat. The best way is to check the URL beforehand. In case you are using your cell phone, then look at the search results and compare the URL there and then.  

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