Software developers have a knack for coding, innovating, and building great technology despite what may come. Sometimes one of the hurdles can be testing. There is a lot of hesitancy when it comes to manual testing services. That hesitancy is not mainly for testing but the fact that it may slow them down. One cannot force developers to rest. This is why one way or another, it is upon the testers. At Think Future Technologies, we find creative and thoughtful ways to collaborate our team of developers with testers. It is integral for developers to also embrace testing.
At TFT, we have a team that works as per your requirements, making this a very easy process.
Like anyone else, developers want to work with the preferred tools that they’re most comfortable with and feel they can be most productive with. These tools can often be a lot different than those that are used by testers and QA teams. It is integral to offer developers the tools they want to use. We should be meeting them halfway.
That does not mean we have to eradicate our investments in Appium, and WebDriverIO. However, it is adapting to the native testing frameworks that developers tend to use more, such as Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright. It is important to create a comfortable environment for the developers to encourage testing, as well.
Developers need to embrace testing, and for that, it’s important for us to break down the traditional silos and processes first that have essentially kept testers as individuals. We require the testers to work alongside developers for that. That’s not to say we should completely blur the lines between development and testing. However, we need development and quality assurance to happen simultaneously.
If you think about it, why is it that developers should, in fact, encourage and use testing if their organization does not depend on quality? Our Quality Assurance experts are a crucial part of our team because they realize the importance of quality. We need to create an environment that makes quality a priority.
There are many organizations today that don’t focus on quality as much. Too often, developers have little say in determining what quality looks like. We need developers to get more into testing, and for that, they need to get more into quality. If we want developers to embrace testing, then we have to give them a bigger say in defining quality and more input into the steps needed to ensure it.
At the end of the day, we want to make a complete and total shift, reimagining the way we think about the role of developers and the concept of quality. With a shift of this kind, fighting resistance and overcoming hurdles is normal. However, if one can overpower these hurdles, the reward is worth it.
We are always looking for innovation and new partnerships. Whether you would want to hear from us about our services, partnership collaborations, leave your information below, we would be really happy to help you.